Welcome to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection's (DEP) Contamination Locator Map (CLM -"Clem"). By specifying an address, a city or a zip code, you can use CLM to locate nearby sites that are currently under DEP's cleanup oversight. Using search criteria, CLM identifies sites by name, address, facility identification number, and cleanup status - active or pending. Although all sites in CLM are suspected or perceived to be contaminated, further investigation may show that some sites are not contaminated. Conversely, some contaminated sites that are still undergoing preliminary screening by the Department may not yet appear in CLM. Sites that are closed or are no longer under DEP's cleanup oversight will not appear in CLM. Also, CLM may not include all information about federal facilities.

The CLM subscription service enables you to track cleanup milestones at contaminated sites listed in CLM.
  • To subscribe to this service, please select a contamination site in CLM, click on the "Watch this site" link and provide an e-mail address where requested in the new window.
  • You may subscribe to more than one site.
  • You will receive an e-mail notification when a contamination cleanup milestone event occurs at your selected sites.
Some of the sites in CLM are currently in the cleanup process and subscribers will be notified when the next milestone event occurs. Other sites are on a priority list awaiting cleanup funding so it may be some time before the first milestone event occurs. For more information on contamination cleanup, please see https://floridadep.gov/waste. For any other information about cleanup sites call the Waste Cleanup Site toll-free number at 1-866-282-0787. You may leave a message including the name and facility identification number for the site in question. Every effort will be made to return your call within 24 hours.

Search Criteria
Brownfields Sites in this category are being cleaned up under Florida's Brownfields Redevelopment Program. Brownfields are properties that are abandoned or underutilized due to actual or perceived contamination. This program provides legal and financial incentives to persons who voluntarily clean up and redevelop brownfield sites in accordance with the program requirements.
Petroleum These are sites contaminated by discharges of petroleum and petroleum products from underground and above ground stationary petroleum storage systems. Many of these sites are eligible to be cleaned up by the DEP (in priority order) while others will be cleaned up by the party responsible for the contamination, under DEP's direction.
Superfund These are contaminated sites that are being cleaned up by the federal Superfund program under the direction of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and in cooperation with the DEP.
Other Waste Cleanup These are sites contaminated by non-petroleum chemicals that fall under one of the following five cleanup programs. Some of these sites are in the process of being cleaned up; others are on priority lists awaiting funding.

  • Drycleaning: Sites contaminated with drycleaning solvents that are eligible to be cleaned up by the DEP
  • Responsible Party: Sites that will be cleaned up by the party responsible for the contamination or by a party that did not cause the contamination but has accepted responsibility for cleanup
  • State Funded: Sites that will be cleaned up by the DEP because there is no party identified that is responsible for the contamination or able to clean it up
  • State-Owned Lands Cleanup: Sites on state properties (such as state parks or state-owned buildings) that will be cleaned up by the DEP
  • Hazardous Waste: Sites at regulated hazardous waste facilities that will be cleaned up by the facility owner or operator in accordance with the federal hazardous waste program.

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