Storage Tank Contaminated Facility Search by Facility Name, Attributes, &/or Location

Choosing multiple criteria will limit the returned records set to ONLY those records which meet ALL the criteria selected.
To broaden the inclusion of records select the least number of specific criteria desired.

(Hold the Ctrl key
to select/deselect more
than one county)


County / District is not required if selection criteria includes Name, Address, City, or Zip.

Facility Name:
A search by name or address looks for the exact string of characters that you enter. Enter enough information
to find the site you are interested in, but not so much that you possibly exclude your choice. A minimum character string
will always retrieve more "finds". Search Address = University will retrieve all sites located on
University (St, Blvd, Parkway) - regardless of the street #. Search Name = Amoco will retrieve all sites with Amoco in the
name (BP Amoco, Amoco #413). Searching by (partial) Name/Address & County is a great way to "zero in on" the facility information
you are looking for.
Facility Address:

Facility City:

Zip Code:

Facility Status:
(Hold the Ctrl key
to select/deselect more
than one facility status)

Facility Type:
(Hold the Ctrl key
to select/deselect more
than one facility type)

Selecting Type A or Type C facilities statewide without other selection criteria - returns nearly maximum data.
Please consider selecting these facilities by county or by district, or adding other criteria.

Regulated Facilities Only:


** You must print this report in landscape mode and set Left/Right margins to "0.25" to avoid truncation of fields.